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Make your business more resilient during business-as-usual and times of crisis with this practical guide to continuous organizational progress.
In an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business world, it is more important than ever for organizations to build resilience into their everyday practice.
Chapter - 01: Introduction;
Chapter - 02: Principles – underpinning the framework;
Chapter - 03: Progress@PACE ‘8-4-8 model’ – Double infinity loop design
Chapter - 04: Progress cycle – First infinity loop;
Chapter - 05: PACE elements – Linking progress cycle and resilience foundations;
Chapter - 06: Resilience Foundations – Second infinity loop;
Chapter - 07: Progress@PACE – Tools and techniques;
Chapter - 08: Established tools and techniques;
Chapter - 09: Progress measures;
Chapter - 10: PACE profiling with gap analysis;
Chapter - 11: Progress@PACE roles;
Chapter - 12: Case histories – examples of Progress@PACE
In an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) business world, it is more important than ever for organizations to build resilience into their everyday practice.
Business Resilience is a practical guide to making organizations more resilient and improving current practices by building on what the organization does well. It explains how managers should constantly monitor their business environment and adapt their priorities depending on the level of disruption - from gradual innovation and improvement in good times to swarming on a single problem during a crisis.
Based on the authors' new models for resilience and progress, this book includes frameworks and tools which can be tailored to any organization and used as stand-alone improvements or combined across teams and departments. These practices avoid unnecessary change but enable rapid and sustainable improvements in product development, service delivery and customer value. Learn how to survive and thrive in any environment with this actionable approach to making progress at pace and effectively embedding business resilience.